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Incumbent to the Presidency of the Republic
As is well known, since Daniel Ortega's return to power in 2007, a personalist regime has been established in the country which, if at first it could be described as hybrid, since April 2018, when it was challenged in the streets, has led to a closed and repressive authoritarian system1. This logic of perpetuation in power of the Ortega clan had its last episode in January 2022, when it simulated a placid electoral victory with which to start a fourth consecutive presidential term. This victory, without any type of internal or external legitimacy, was the result of an increase in the control of electoral governance and of an intense and systematized repressive activity deployed since mid-2018 and which continues at the time of writing this article.

In any case, the political problems in the region are not exclusive to Nicaragua. Political institutions in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala have also experienced C Level Contact List deterioration. Politics in Honduras has been undergoing a downgrade since the orchestrated coup against Manuel Zelaya in 2009 to put liberal politician Roberto Micheletti in his place. In the elections at the end of 2009, as well as in the following ones in 2013 and 2017, the candidates of the traditional National Party, Porfirio Lobo Sosa and Juan Orlando Hernández, won, the latter being re-elected after constitutional reform.

[Image: Email-List-300x175.png]

During the two presidential terms of Hernández, the country was subjected to a strong political polarization, to cases of corruption due to links between drug trafficking and the political class,maccih ), operational between January 2016 and December 2019 and whose mandate was not renewed for a new period, as claimed by the Organization of American States ( OAS ). On November 28, 2021, in the presidential, legislative, local elections and for the Central American Parliament, the Libertad y Refundación Party ( Libre ) won with the candidate for the Presidency Xiomara Castro, wife of deposed Zelaya. With this, for the first time in the history of Honduras, a woman is at the head of the Executive Power and as head of State.

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Incumbent to the Presidency of the Republic - by schandnasss - 03-02-2023, 04:53 AM

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