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Feng Shui Design Tips for Balance in the Bedroom
Feng Shui Design Tips for Balance in the Bedroom

The ancient Chinese art of feng shui focuses on creating harmony and balance with nature; “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. It is rooted in the Taoist philosophy, in which chi (or Qi) is the life force or energy found in everything on earth.To get more news about ancient chinese bedroom, you can visit shine news official website.

When applied to interior design, feng shui involves carefully arranging furniture, artwork and home decor to achieve a peaceful balance. The whole house can be designed or decorated following the principles of feng shui, but individual rooms — particularly the bedroom — can especially benefit from more harmony.

“Feng shui is all about balance and peace in the bedroom,” says Amy Youngblood, founder and lead designer of Amy Youngblood Interiors in Cincinnati. “Arranging furniture and keeping things organized will ensure you have a clear space to help ease and clear your mind. It creates comfort while maintaining a beautiful and simple design.”
While hiring an interior designer experienced in the fundamentals of feng shui is one way to promote balance in a bedroom, open-minded DIYers can tackle some of the tasks on their own. Here are some tips from the pros on how to apply feng shui to bedroom design.


You’ve heard it time and again from everyone from home stagers to home organizing experts: Get rid of unnecessary items. Not surprisingly, a clutter-free bedroom — or any room, really — is excellent for feng shui. “The tremendous effect it will have on the way you feel and the energy flowing into your home is shocking,” says Joshua Smith, principal and founder of Joshua Smith Inc., based in New York City.

Create Clear Pathways

Is your bedroom a tangle of furniture? Is the floor covered in cast-off clothes and shoes? (No judgment here.) Rearranging items and tidying up isn’t just for aesthetics; Youngblood says you’ll also “create clear pathways for easy and peaceful flow.”
Remove Negative Symbols

Take a look at the artwork or decor in your room. Does any of it exude negativity either in thought or design? If so, it’s got to go. “Choose artwork and other objects that carry uplifting energy,” says Smith.
Open a Window

Fresh air is always a good thing, but it’s excellent for feng shui. “Fresh air also circulates the energy or chi of your home while increasing oxygen levels and eliminating airborne bacteria,” Smith says.

Let the Sunshine In

Natural light is “a feng shui must” says Devin Shaffer, lead designer of Decorilla Interior Design in San Francisco, though it’s tricky to achieve in a bedroom, where darkness is key for a good night’s sleep. To achieve the right balance, he recommends blackout curtains, noting you can add blackout lining to your current window treatments as well.
Decorate in Pairs

Having two of the same pieces of furniture offer coveted balance, Smith says. Single people searching for a partner have an opportunity to let their bedroom design attract a mate. Instead of a single nightstand on one side of the bed, Smith suggests putting one on both sides, as well as leaving some space in the closet for a partner’s clothing and shoes. “(This arrangement) will invite partnership energy and love into your home,” he says.

Add a Plant

Skip the faux version and add an easy-to-care-for plant in the bedroom. “They cleanse the air and bring vibrant chi into your home,” Smith says. Aside from the vibrant green color, a plant quite literally adds life to any space.

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Feng Shui Design Tips for Balance in the Bedroom - by pysong - 06-21-2023, 03:31 AM

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