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What Is Vidalista 60 Tablet? - TabsMeds - 02-16-2023

For sexual activity when experiencing erectile dysfunction, or ED, Vidalista 60 is helpful in achieving the desired erection. You can appreciate the severity of ED given that it affects one in three American men. In addition to poor sexual performance, ED also lowers self-esteem and confidence. Divorce, extramarital affairs, and ongoing disagreements between couples have all been attributed to ED.

Vidalista 60 mg is the generic character of tadalafil. It long lasts for 1.5 days after taking it. Vidalista 60 mg treats erectile dysfunction, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and benign prostate hyperplasia problem in men. The main ingredient of the medicine is Tadalafil. It helps men to get an erection during sex. It is from a clinically proven group of PDE-5 inhibitors that helps in resolving erectile dysfunction issues. It comes in a yellow almond shape. It is also known as the “Weekend Pill“. The medicine to be taken as prescribed to you by a doctor considering your health condition.

Vidalista 60 mg is approved by FDA. It enhances the blood flow in the penis that helps in starting erection in men. It is to be taken half an hour before sex. The gap between the two doses should not be less than 24 hours. There are various benefits of taking Vidalista 60 mg like it is cheap as compared to other medicine, increases the flow of blood, the action of the medicine is effective, it is available all over the world and helps in treating high blood pressure, etc. It comes in oral tablet form. Vidalista 60 can be taken empty stomach. It does not protect the person from the sexually transmitted disease.

If a person is taking medicine after taking food he should avoid high-fat food before taking medicine as it will reduce the effect of the pill. . The person should avoid consuming grapefruit and its juice as will adversely affect the medicine work. The person should avoid drinking alcohol if he is taking Vidalista 60 mg.

The person should not drive the vehicle after taking Vidalista 60 mg as it causes dizziness sometimes. The minimum dosage is 20 mg but it can be taken up to 60 mg depending upon your body. If a person is consuming recreational drugs or nitrate, he should not take Vidalista 60 mg. If a person has an allergy to any portion of medicine, he should talk to a doctor about it. If a person has any skin allergy or other, he should consult first before starting the pill. If a person missed taking the pill, he can take it when he recalls that he missed it but if the time for the next pill occurs, he should not take the missed dose but take the regular pill as per the schedule.

In case a person took two pills together that is called an overdose which can cause various side effects or adverse results on the body so the person should immediately go to the doctor for curing the condition.

The medicine is not made for women also she should avoid taking this. It can be used by a person whose age is more than 18 years. The medicine cannot be purchased without the prescription of a doctor.
You must satisfy all of your wife's demands, including her sexual needs, as her husband. However, because of poor lifestyle choices and sleeping patterns, their penis is unable to tolerate prolonged erections. The erection that you and your wife need to have the most fulfilling sexual encounter are provided by taking Vidalista 60.

Use of salt-tadalafil-containing Vidalista 60

Vidalista 60 is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction by erecting the penis. Not just getting an erection but keeping it up for a long enough time to allow for sexual activity.

It is accomplished by promoting improved blood flow in the penile area, which eventually results in a rock-solid erection.

How to take Vidalista 60?

In terms of how it is taken, Vidalista 60 is just like any other medicine.
Drink a glass of water and take the medication as directed.
It is not a medicine that can be chewed, therefore avoid biting or chewing it.
Only water and no other liquids are permitted when taking the medication.
Drinking alcohol and fruit juices while using the medication could have negative effects.
Take the medication at least 40 to 50 minutes before engaging in sexual activity.

Vidalista 60 dosage and strength

Any medicine must be taken in the right strength and dosage to work to its full capacity. The same is true of Vidalista 60; it is offered in a variety of strengths, including Vidalista 20, 40mg, 60, 80, 10, and 5 mg. Use the prescription's recommended dosage and strength. Serious problems could come from not taking the medication as prescribed.

Availability of Vidalista 60

The medication's accessibility demonstrates how highly patients desire it. Additionally, it demonstrates how the illness being studied has spread. Vidalista 60 excels in this area with flying colours. The medication is readily available from any nearby medical store and online retailer.


The dosage must be followed exactly as prescribed by the patient. If a patient does not take the prescribed dosage, the medication may not work or have dangerous negative effects.

How much longer will Vidalista 60 be played?

Similar to dosage and strength, the duration is an essential component of the medication. A drug's negative effects may occur if you take it for longer than is recommended. In contrast, if you take it for fewer days than recommended, the issue could return. Therefore, adhere to the prescribed time frame.

Vidalista 60 dosage missed

Because of your additional job, you can forget to take Vidalista 60. No problem; it's rather commonplace these days. But be careful not to make this a habit because skipping doses frequently lessens the effect of the medication on the disease.

Stop taking additional pills on that day if you miss a dose. Take the medication at the same time as before the following day.

Vidalista 60 Contradiction

When using Sildenafil Citrate: Combining Vidalista 60 and Sildenafil Citrate can cause dangerously low blood pressure. The person may experience drowsiness and lethargy, which could potentially put them in a coma.

Using alcohol: It is unquestionably a bad combo. It causes the drug's effectiveness to decline and can occasionally trigger mild reactions and itching.

RE: What Is Vidalista 60 Tablet? - Gregorykig - 09-23-2023


RE: What Is Vidalista 60 Tablet? - Gregorykig - 11-10-2023


RE: What Is Vidalista 60 Tablet? - Gregorykig - 01-29-2024


RE: What Is Vidalista 60 Tablet? - Gregorykig - 03-20-2024


RE: What Is Vidalista 60 Tablet? - Gregorykig - 05-18-2024
